
Tax Lien

Sale Information

State Directory

Sale Details

Available year around; Updated in July


3 Years

State Laws

Montana Code Annotated, Title 15, Chapter 17, "Tax Sales," and Chapter 18, "Ownership Interests in Land Sold for Taxes." The sale is made to the person who offers to pay all delinquent property taxes, penalties, interest, and costs due on the property. (Sec. 15-17-214).

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Attorney Details

Tax Title Services, Inc.

4590 Macarthur Blvd #210
Newport Beach

Tax Title Services has been assisting tax deed investors with their title insurance needs for NEARLY 2 DECADES and has certified OVER 25,000 properties nationwide. When it comes to protecting your investment or selling/refinancing your property look no further than the industry leading Tax Title Services. Avoid the costs and delays associated with quiet title actions. By partnering with Tax Title Services not only will you find comfort in working with a company that exclusively focuses on certifying tax foreclosed properties, but whose industry knowledge and competency is unrivaled. We offer the most competitive pricing, quickest completion times, and our goal is to exceed your expectations. Please visit our website for additional information, pricing, online ordering, or to view current testimonials from actual TTS clients. We look forward to working with you!!

Christian, Samson & Jones, PLLC

310 West Spruce

Looking to grow your tax sale investing portfolio, but not sure where to start?

Reach out and connect with one of our Growth Consultants who can help show you the way!
Phone: (877) 982-9725