Introduction to Arkansas Tax Deed Sales
Arkansas tax deed sales are a distinctive avenue within the world of real estate investment.
This niche in the tax sale world draws investors because of its exclusively in-person auctions.
Likewise, hundreds of parcels are available at once during annual sales, shaping the landscape for investors in distinct ways. As a result, a knowledge of local markets and a tailored approach are necessary for success.
As we delve into the details, we'll explore both the advantages and drawbacks of investing in Arkansas tax deeds.
We'll uncover how in-person auctions limit competition and offer favorable purchasing conditions for independent investors. Plus, you'll see how financing options can catapult you forward and navigate between multiple counties as you grow your business.
Pros of Arkansas Tax Deed Sales
The first advantage of tax deed sales in Arkansas is that every deed is sold at a live auction.
Arkansas doesn’t hold its auctions online, and there’s no sign this is changing soon. As a result, in-person auctions limit competition, reducing the number of bids and price increases per deed.
To purchase a tax deed in Arkansas, you’ll need to head to the auction at one of the state’s seventy-five counties and raise your paddle.
The in-person requirement means individual investors willing to personally travel and bid have a better chance of beating corporate investors seeking mass opportunities (more likely found online) they can win through heavy financial firepower.
In addition, Arkansas tax deed sales have a thirty-day redemption period. The exceptions to this statute are for disabled minors and active military personnel, who get two years to redeem the deed.
So, if the previous owner isn’t in one of those two categories, you’re looking at a turnaround of one month or less to start the title certification process.
Cons of Arkansas Tax Deed Sales
On the flip side, Arkansas tax deed sales come with some drawbacks.
For example, its greatest strength can also be a hindrance: investors must physically travel around the state and attend auctions in person to win bids. So, the necessary legwork and logistics require an upfront investment without a guaranteed gain.
This feature contrasts with every state that holds online auctions, as these are accessible if you have internet and a laptop.
Likewise, the previously mentioned exceptions to the thirty-day redemption rule can hamper your efforts. A former owner who is a disabled minor or active military member can take up to two years to redeem their property. So, it’s crucial to research each property before bidding because you could land yourself in a situation where your only option is waiting for years instead of weeks.
Fortunately, Tax Sale Resources offers standardized data for each county auction to make the research process a breeze.
Remember, doing your homework helps ensure each property you acquire fits your investment model.
How to Buy Tax Delinquent Property in Arkansas
Buying a tax delinquent property in Arkansas can surprise investors accustomed to online auctions. Here’s how to win a bid on a tax deed if you invest in Arkansas:
General Tax Sale Process
First, you must attend an auction in person. Doing so involves identifying nearby counties, their upcoming auctions, and the properties that will be available. When the day comes, you’ll head out to the auction location (usually a municipal office) and get your paddle up when the properties you’re interested in are offered up.
If you win the bid, you’ll wait thirty days for the property to redeem. If the previous owner doesn’t redeem the property, you can begin the title certification process to create an insurable title that transfers ownership to yourself.
Things to Look Out For
Remember, the thirty-day redemption schedule counts for owners who aren’t disabled minors or active military. These two groups receive the exclusive perk of a two-year redemption period, meaning they’re more likely to redeem the deed and disrupt your investment model.
Arkansas also has a lot of vacant land going up for auction.
In addition, investors who purchase real estate in Arkansas tend to hold it for a long time, even if they want to sell it.
So, if undeveloped land and extended ownership don’t fit your investment model, it’s best to either meticulously research properties that break out of this norm or look at other tax deed states.
Lastly, although Arkansas runs tax deed sales at the state level, specific dynamics vary by county. For example, Jefferson County usually auctions off several hundred properties per auction.
However, each county in Arkansas holds a tax sale once per year. So, if you miss that county’s auction, you’ll miss the chance to bid on hundreds of parcels until the following year.
Finding the Delinquent Property Tax List in Arkansas
To find tax deed lists in Arkansas, you can research on your own by contacting each of the state’s seventy-five counties for information.
However, county-provided data can be insufficient for understanding the nuances of each property available. On the other hand, investors looking for parcels that fit their model can find robust data through the Tax Sale Resources Research platform.
You can download lists, filter properties through specific criteria, and analyze current opportunities compared to past auctions.
Insights for Investors Looking into Arkansas Tax Deed Sales
Remember, every investment approach has its own priorities, strengths, and weaknesses. In addition, it’s vital to have a specific model instead of trying to buy whatever you can afford at your nearest auction.
The more defined your strategy, the more likely you are to find the properties that will help you succeed.
As a result, understanding the dynamics of Arkansas tax deed sales can help you see if the state’s tax sales fit your model and how to invest wisely.
Investing models that have a high success rate
As this guide has discussed, an investment model that will succeed Arkansas includes attending in-person auctions instead of bidding remotely.
In addition, investors interested in vacant lots and holding real estate for extended periods will flourish in the state. Investors also must prepare for numerous counties auctioning hundreds of parcels once per year instead of monthly auctions with a few dozen parcels.
Additional Insights for Arkansas Tax Deed Sales
Having a specialized investment model means targeting specific properties at an auction.
For instance, Tax Sale Resources’ Market Analysis tool reveals that in Benton County, of the 302 parcels sold, 260 of those were vacant land parcels.
As a result, going in with the idea of buying vacant land is too broad. So, you might decide to target vacant land in commercial areas. On the other hand, if your model is for single-family homes, you would ignore all the vacant land and narrow your priorities to the handful of lots with houses on them.
This way, you avoid spreading yourself too thin with indiscriminate bidding, which would likely result in few won bids, if any, and no clear plan of how to create value with the parcels you obtained.
Arkansas Tax Deed Sales Competition
The live auctions in Arkansas limit competition to the buyers willing to gather in that region.
Unlike other states, Arkansas does not conduct these auctions online. As a result, the in-person format gives an advantage to anyone willing to travel and attend the auction. This feature provides a built-in limit to the typical auction in Arkansas, reducing competition.
Plus, each county has its auction once per year. Fortunately, the auctions aren’t all on the same day. Therefore, you can spread out your investment activity, attending multiple sales throughout the year. This way, you can maximize your purchasing capability.
To find the counties with the least competition, you can check out our proprietary market analysis tool to uncover the Arkansas tax deed hidden gems.
Best Way to Exponentially Grow Your Arkansas Tax Deed Portfolio
Say you just purchased a tax deed at auction. Typically, you must wait a month before starting a quiet title suit. So, you'll wait for at least a few months before you can get an insurable title and qualify for refinancing through a bank.
This situation ties up your equity, hindering your efforts to scale your business. Fortunately, the financing program from Tax Sale Resources allows you to access your equity within two weeks of securing financing. Here's how it works:
- After purchasing the real estate asset, you fill out the pre-qualification form to start the application process.
- Then, we complete a detailed review of the asset(s) and order necessary reports.
- When we finish the assessment, we send the proposed terms for your review.
- Then, once you sign the contract, we close and disburse the requested amount.
- By completing the process within a couple of weeks, you can move on to your next auction and acquire another asset, exponentially boosting your earning capability.
Remember, Tax Sale Resources offers financing without title insurance, personal guarantee, or minimum FICO score requirements.
Additionally, we give you the choice between monthly or lump sum payments. Even better, we can help you regardless of your real estate preferences: we work with investors of single-family homes, multi-family properties, commercial buildings, and vacant land.

Arkansas tax deed sales offer a remarkable investment opportunity with their live auction format and specific regulations.
The advantages of this system include the limitation of competition due to in-person auctions, resulting in fewer bids and potentially lower prices for properties. This setup favors individual investors willing to travel and personally participate, giving them an edge over corporate investors relying on online platforms.
Ultimately, successful investors in Arkansas tax deed sales need specialized investment models.
Therefore, tailoring your approach to focus on specific properties and assets and understanding county-specific dynamics increases your chances of success. Furthermore, utilizing tools like financing from Tax Sale Resources can expedite your growth, allowing you to capitalize on opportunities more efficiently.
By grasping the nuances of Arkansas tax deed sales and strategically adapting your investment approach, you can position yourself for success in this unique real estate market.